Falling Can Be a Problem For Senior Citizens

Falling is an important health issue among senior citizens. Statistics from various studies have indicated that each year falls occur in 35 to 40 percent of people 65 years of age and older who are otherwise healthy and probably living independently. Half of these falls may result in injury to the senior citizen, and about 18 percent require medical care. Health and wellness may dictate more care to prevent falls.

Diminished and poor balance puts older people at risk for falls which may cause injury. Exercise can help a person with balance which will help to prevent a fall, and it is never too late to exercise. Walking may seem difficult but is beneficial to build strength and improve balance. Social activity and keeping the body active are important. A one point decrease in social activity is said to be equivalent to being five years older than your actual age.

Training may help to avoid falls. The brain may develop fall prevention strategies to help a person maintain balance to avoid a fall. When starting to slip, the brain may help the person to avoid a fall by having some control over the landing foot which is on the ground during the slip.

Reasons that older people have poor balance which may cause them to fall:
• Unsteady on feet
• Leg and food problems
• May have poor peripheral vision (central and side vision are reduced with age)
• Inner ear problems
• A neurological problem may be present
• Lack of concentration

There are some things to do which may help a person keep from falling:
• Go to a doctor for help and advice
• Look down regularly while you are walking to check for uneven surfaces
• Try to improve balance by practicing to rise from a chair and stand on one foot
• Pick up your feet so that you don't catch your shoe on something sticking up
• Take someone's arm and let them help support you
• Use a cane or walker when it becomes necessary

If a person is not injured physically during a fall, the worst part of falling is the embarrassment suffered. People generally rush to help a person who falls. When a fall occurs around people unknown to the person, it is not so bad when they think that they will never see them again. Falling around family and friends can cause more embarrassment. Falling happens as almost a regular occurrence for some people as they age. It does not necessarily have to be that way. Precautions should be taken to avoid serious injury. People can be more careful and aware to prevent problems with falling.

Irene Mori writes on a variety of topics. She is involved with a savings and earnings company which offers weekly training and tools. Get more information by visiting: http://www.moremlmsuccess.com. Visit http://www.preparedforlife.net to learn about food storage and emergency preparedness.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Irene_Mori